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Baggedprice.com currently offers international shipping to over 100 countries and several US Territories.
We ship most items within 1-3 business days after you place your order. The delivery timeframe may vary according to the destination and the shipping option you selected at when you place your order. Each option has a different average delivery time.
Free Shipping – Shipments are delivered in a 7-15 days Business after it leaves our International shipping facility.
Express Shipping – Shipments are delivered in a 5-8 Business days after it leaves our International shipping facility.
Shipping Charges
Shipping rates and fees will vary based on the item and shipping destination.
Our site will always display your order total in the currency you select, including any shipping rates or fees. There are no additional charges or duties when the product arrives at your door.
International Pricing
If VAT applies to your destination country, this charge is not included in the item price.